Thursday, September 8, 2011

Parker Joseph Bullard

He's here! Parker Joseph Bullard was born on September 5th, one day after his due date! Yes, I went into labor on Labor Day. Haha. I started to really feel the contractions around 7am that Monday morning and they were already 3-5 minutes apart so we packed all our stuff and headed to the hospital. My parents met up with us there and took Easton to stay with them. When I went in they checked me and I was dilated at a 4 so they admitted me right away, I told the nurse I was very fond of drugs and to give me whatever they they have me something to take the edge off and about an hour or so later I got my epidural aka my BFF. It was smooth sailing from there! My best friend Sandy and my MIL Lois came and hung out with JJ and I the whole time, I was so glad they were there to keep us company! Around 1:30 Parker was ready to come and so the doctor came in and I got that boy out in 4 pushes! Go me! I felt so insanely happy at the time and I was so excited to finally meet our new love. He was 9 lbs, 21 1/2 inches long! BIG BOY! So far he sleeps ALL the time and I have to make him wake up to eat most the time. We only had to stay in the hospital for one night, so we are home now and it's so nice. JJ has been home from work all week but he has to go back this Monday, boo! My recovery is going pretty well so far, it's 10 times better then my recovery with Easton. Speaking of Easton...he is still getting used to Parker and ignores him most the time, but he will randomly walk up to Parker and touch him and walk away. Life is just amazing right now and I can't stop thinking about how blessed I am. My sister came over yesterday and took this picture, her camera is amazing! Those eyes are too beautiful! Photobucket The first time I got to hold Parker! I was exhausted but sooooo happy! Photobucket I love him! Photobucket More photos to come, Sandy was in the delivery room when Parker was born and she took a bunch of pictures for us! Don't worry, I won't post the explicit ones! p.s. are the pictures cutting off for you too? I don't know how to fix it! Sorry, just click on the pictures if you want to see the whole thing.


Sarah Hull said...

oh my goodness, he is adorable. i am so happy for you! What a sweet family!

Kellie said...

He is perfect. This post made me cry. You are AMAZING!!!

Meredith said...

so so adorable! congrats, there's nothing like it, huh? :)

Nancy Smith... said...

Can't wait to meet him. Sandy says he's adorable. She had such a special experience being there with you guys! We love you!

Courtney B said...

Oh he is SO cute and PERFECT!! I'm so happy for you!
Oh and p.s. you are one gorgeous mama! Hope I look that pretty after labor :)

Natalie said...

Oh, he has the cutest face! How are you doing? I need your phone # again.
