Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Tomorrow, Parker will be 4 months old! Are you kidding me?! Time is flying like crazy, I don't remember time going this fast when Easton was an infant...having two kids keeps me really busy so I'm sure that's why. I took Parker to the Doctor for his check up last week and he was between 85-99% in his height, weight and head. He is 16.12 pounds now, wow! He was not happy about the shots, he was happy and smiling till the nurse stuck the needle in his leg, It broke my heart to see his happy face change to such a sad cry. I just adore this little boy, he laughs and smiles so much. He is crazy about his dad and laughs the hardest with him. He also talks and talk a lot! Baby babble is the cutest! I love when they experiment with their voices, my living room echos because of our wood floors so Parker's voice fills the entire house, It's the best(not the best if he's crying and Easton is napping though). I only get up with him 2-3 times a night right now and I don't mind it too much, I'm used to it. The only time he really cries is when he is hungry or just wants some attention. He loves to cuddle and be kissed. He is also extremely ticklish just like me. I am just so thankful that the lord has blessed our family with this amazing little soul, I am especially thankful that I have the opportunity to be with my family forever. There really is no better motivator to follow the lord and the teachings of the gospel, I love my family too much to jeopardize that.  
Also, happy new year! I have written down a few goals for 2012 that I am excited about. This is going to be a great year so stay tuned!


Kellie said...

Those pictures are THE best pictures!!! He is so, so, SO stinking cute! I love little Parker. He really is so sweet. Good luck completing your goals. ;)

Amy said...

Happy New Year!

Dear Parker,
You are the CUTEST lil thing EVER!

Team Smith Adventures said...

That last picture is awesome!
