Thursday, January 12, 2012


Easton is 22 months old now, he will be 2 years old in March. He doesn't say too many words yet, he babbles on and on in his own little language though. He will look at me and talk as if we are having a conversation, it cracks me up! I usually just smile and nod and say "oh yeah?!". A few months ago he suddenly started to say "A B C" and "Apple" but after a week he wouldn't say them for me! He has however stuck with his favorite word "ball" and "NO" and he usually calls me "mimi". Lately he also attempts to sing the ABC song and it's really cute how he throws in random sounds and letters in the wrong places, i'll need to get it on tape. He understands a LOT of what I say because when I ask him to do something he usually will. He still LOVES to take and watch videos of himself on my phone, to dance, play with his cars, wrestle with JJ, play and splash like crazy in the bath, be read to and play with his cousins. He really does light up my life and his personality is just so sweet and fun, I give him kisses on his cute chubby cheeks about a thousand times a day! Being a mom can be hard, no IS hard, but there is no better job in the world and I don't regret this life I've got for a second, just look at that face, how could I?


Amy said...


★ JASMINE ★ said...

LOVE the blog girlie! you have such a precious little family!

Happy to be your newest follower :-)

Would love for you to stop by and follow me back ?


Kellie said...

We love little Eastie! I'm so happy our kids will grow up together. Gwen watched Easton's video like 50 times.
